Zitat von
Würde eigentlich nur über Java funktionieren, aber dann auch nur über die Umwege eines Editors ...
Ganz hilfreich ist übrigens auch die Hybrid-Ansicht. Gerade in solchen verzweigten Threads wie diesem hier
Bei phpBB3 ist das über ein wenig Javascript gelöst:
* Add quote text to message
function addquote(post_id, username)
var message_name = 'message_' + post_id;
var theSelection = '';
var divarea = false;
if (document.all)
divarea = document.all[message_name];
divarea = document.getElementById(message_name);
// Get text selection - not only the post content :(
if (window.getSelection)
theSelection = window.getSelection().toString();
else if (document.getSelection)
theSelection = document.getSelection();
else if (document.selection)
theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text;
if (theSelection == '' || typeof theSelection == 'undefined' || theSelection == null)
if (divarea.innerHTML)
theSelection = divarea.innerHTML.replace(/<br>/ig, '\n');
theSelection = theSelection.replace(/<br\/>/ig, '\n');
theSelection = theSelection.replace(/<\;/ig, '<');
theSelection = theSelection.replace(/>\;/ig, '>');
theSelection = theSelection.replace(/&\;/ig, '&');
else if (document.all)
theSelection = divarea.innerText;
else if (divarea.textContent)
theSelection = divarea.textContent;
else if (divarea.firstChild.nodeValue)
theSelection = divarea.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (theSelection)
insert_text('[quote="' + username + '"]' + theSelection + '[/quote]');